Friday, 14 September 2012


The first issue of David Kilpatrick's new magazine popped through my letterbox this morning, and I am delighted to say it lived up to my expectations, and more. Most regular readers of the Alamy members forum (and other forums) and the British Journal of Photography  will know of David. I think I can safely say that he is held in the highest regard for all his useful photographic knowledge which he freely shares in the forum.
And so to Cameracraft: It is a beautiful melange of the old and new, the traditional and modern. The portfolio of photographs reproduced in this issue come from Trevor and Faye Yerbury and represent traditional methods and aspirations with the elegance and style for which they are famous. In the last few pages, called Rearview, are a diverse selection of pictures, including a two-page spread devoted to a superbly executed and managed advertising shot for Aston Martin by Tim Wallace. There are many more photographs, an eclectic bunch. All printed on excellent quality paper.

There are also, of course, articles on cameras and lenses to satisfy everyone. What are absent, are art student photo portfolios, of which I am sick and tired. I mentioned this in a previous post about the BJP. I am just delighted that Cameracraft is locking tight onto principles of aesthetics and good craft work. I congratulate David and his team. You too, can subscribe to it.  . Which reminds me - I must order the binder - this magazine is too good to throw away. And I'm not sure about my future subscription to BJP.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Ansel Adams

There are a few photographers to whom you can give titles. Like Henri Cartier Bresson could be called the Leader, because he led so many into street photography and suchlike. But there's only one Master, and that was Ansel Adams. Because of his precision and analytic technique, he is supreme. Here are a couple of videos that the Leica forum discovered on YouTube.Ansel Adams

Friday, 7 September 2012


I've been test-driving Photoshop CS6 for the last couple of weeks. If you've read my previous post about this, you will remember that I was concerned that my XP machine may not be able to handle it - well, it does. However, I did have a freeze-up on saving a file, but that may have been because the computer was downloading an update at the same time. Of course, my degree in digital ignorance may suggest that I don't know my a*** from my elbow, but I like to blame computers for most cock-ups. Anyway, I think it might be wise to upgrade the level of my RAM, which I will, because it is cheap.

About the software: All I can say is that It is very satisfactory. Certainly, I'm no expert but the results I have produced, and how I have used the tools to produce them, have pleased me. I have to believe the experts who say that the RAW conversion is much better than before. It certainly seemed that way to me, and the controls are more intuitive and smooth. Of course, upgrading now from CS4 to CS6, the last year that Adobe will allow a two step upgrade, is wise for future proofing.  It has to be borne in mind that in the days of analogue film photography we had to constantly pay for film processing and now we have to put that money to keeping up with the technology of digital photography. It only seems fair.